My approach is Somatic & Spiritually based process of inquiry. The Enneagram brings a depth of understanding that deepens your soul based inquiry. Our work together is transformational in nature, connecting you to your authentic self & to True Nature. I am influenced by the work of A.H.Almaas, the Diamond Approach r as a long time student of over 30 + years of dedicated practice.
My perspective is based on my own process of Spiritual Unfoldment and Realization and as an experienced therapist with 30+ years of experience. I am bringing a multidimensional holistic perspective to the practice of Psychotherapy. My work can be considered to be a Non-Dual perspective. I offer sessions In Person & Online for both individuals & couples, and Consulting for Therapists. Because of Covid sessions are now online.
To appreciate the profundity of the work you can read books by A.H. Almaas especially Diamond Heart Book I.
The practice of inquiry allows you to bring whatever you are struggling with, or wanting to understand more fully into the light of daylight with a more complete understanding which is transformative. The directness of this experiential approach into the truth of your experience is revealed to you, like a veil lifting. In this way the door opens to your deepening of your self realization and can resolve many issues while gaining valuable insight and understanding. It is hard to convey an experiential method in words that will make sense here. It will take the experience to know this yourself.
So we work with where you are at, this moment, and whatever your particular issues or concerns may be, we use that to explore whether whatever feelings are present in the moment sucha as depression, anxiety, stress or mid life transitions, or feelings of what is it all about and of course much more.
My background integrates Neo Reichian work with Spiritual Understanding and inquiry. I studied with Jack Rosenberg and Marge Rand in Los Angeles Integrative Body Psychotherapy R, IBP. Other approaches influence my work include: Gestalt, Voice Dialogue ( A precursor to IFS or Integrated Family Systems ) and various Somatic Therapies like Bodynamics, & Peter Levine’s Work.
Years of work in the somatic field has given me a profound understanding of the body-soul integration and embodiment process. I worked directly with Milton Trager for many years. Other Somatic approaches which inform my work include: Emily Da’Oud’s Continuum Work, Cranial Sacral Work, Polarity, Jin Shin Do, and Alexander Technique. We use body oriented practices such as breath, sound and movement which generally does not include hands on work.
At this time in my practice all the impacts of my somatics background and psychological understanding and spiritual depth and development are integrated and what is needed when we work together informs and guides our work together. The journey is enriched by embodiment of your soul presence into your daily life.
I have explored the Enneagram for over 30 years and it guides my understanding of the particular and unique process of unfoldment of each person’s soul. It continues to reveal new facets of understanding. The Enneagram is a map of our inner terrain, it is like a garment we wear which has a fixed shape and form and perspective on reality and describes our defensive nature . It is like a lens through which we see everything around us and in us. We come to believe that this is true but in reality it is a delusion. Through the process of somatic inquiry the veils of this garment begin to come off as we experience what is real in ourselves and who we are. We are liberated from the binds and distortions in our soul’s make up which allows us to actualize our essential qualities and nature more fully. You need not know anything about your type or the enneagram for that matter to benefit from our work together.
The foundation of my Psychodynamic approach integrates Depth Psychotherapies, such as Object Relations and Ego Psychology, and Intersubjectivity among others.
I view my experience and work with clients as an ongoing adventure of discovery which I am privileged to be a part of. I continue to evolve, learn and grow professionally and personally which continuously enlivens and informs my work.
I invite you to join me on a journey of self discovery, a journey of unfoldment, full of mystery, a journey of profound connection, love and fulfillment.
- Recamft