If you are a spiritually oriented and depth oriented therapist I can help deepen and integrate your understanding and appreciation of your client’s terrain on a soul level. This consult process is not just adding insight but how to more fully orient your work with your clients from an approach that bridges psychotherapy with spiritual work and opens the transforming power of spiritual work more fully.
My approach will also bring somatic practices as part or the work that can deepen your clients integration. If you have a somatic orientation already this approach will be very useful. I will also use the Enneagram which can give insight into the issues your client is struggling with no matter what the particulars are.
For some of you who are interested in working with your own countertransference we will use the practice of inquiry which can open new dimensions of transformation both within yourself and for your clients as well.
You are constantly transmitting the states that are needed for your client’s support and transformation. So your level of understanding and embodiment is a necessary ingredient for deeper and deeper levels of healing for your clients. In fact it one of the important elements that is needed which will quicken your clients unfoldment and development.
I am inviting groups of up to 4 to meet on a monthly basis and also offering individual consultations for those who find this approach valuable and supportive for the precious work we are doing.
Group Consult fee: $100 session Time to be arranged
Individual Consultation: $150 session, call to set up a time.
Both Online and In person Consultations
Call me or text me if you are interested and we can talk further 707-544-8879
Harriet Katz, LCSW
I have been in private practice since 1993. I have been a student of A.H. Almaas, The Diamond Approach r since 1988 and having completed the 7 year teacher training in the Ridhwan school.* The Ridhwan School is a spiritual work school that uses psychological understanding and the practice of inquiry through the body to access and unfold our deepest nature, True Nature, Self Realization and Presence. My background incorporates extensive somatic training over 40 years, the understanding of the Enneagram, and depth psychology, all integrated with the ground of being. Recommended reading; Diamond Heart Book I chapters on Diamond Approach and The Theory of Holes by A. H. Almaas.
- I am not functioning as an ordained minister in the Ridhwan School.