My Approach is a blend of depth psychotherapy with the spiritual dimension through somatic or body centered approach and inquiry. This method is effective in not going along with your usual thinking mind centered orientation but rather opening you up to a fresh perspective so you begin to see yourself and others and your situation in a new way. It opens you to reality as it is allowing you to naturally come to know your deeper self. You discover resources in yourself and qualities that were only hinted at. That which has been missing is now discovered and this is real. This method is a direct approach ,where you directly experience your truth— so you get it.
This process is effective in resolving your particular issues and concerns.
Spiritually Oriented and Body Based therapeutic process is a process which engenders a realization of your authentic self and inherant qualities and capacities like real strength, compassion, heart qualities, your will, confidence, perseverance, surrender and capacity to take on life. This process plays a key role in resolving your particular issues and concerns.
Many issues and conditions respond well to this approach. I create a safe and compassionate container for the precious work we have together. Through simply allowing what is there to be, usually brings about a revelation that is important to you. With this deepening, together we uncover false beliefs, entrenched positions, reactivity, and convictions, such as: self rejections, judgements, conflicts, fears, anger etc. With deep relaxation and kindness, the walls may melt away, we do this without rejecting them and with the wisdom of your desire to know the truth, in this way you are gently transformed.
The good news is there isn’t anything you need to do, other than sincerely showing up for yourself. Transformation is a process.
It may be hard to understand what I have described here and throughout the website, because without the actual experience it is hard to know for yourself. it takes some faith and trust in yourself, to see if this work speaks to you, if that is so, then it is most likely right for you. And with that being said, – I would like to invite you to join me in a journey of great importance to you.
“Your life is your practice. Your spiritual practice does not occur someplace other than in your life right now, and your life is nowhere other than where you are. You are looking for answers, insight, and wisdom that you already possess. Live the life in front of you, be the life you are, and see what you find out for yourself. “
-Karen Maezen Miller, Momma Zen: Walking the Crooked Path of Motherhood
You may contact me for a no fee telephone consultation at: 707-544-8879